Remove the guess work when calculating the carbs in your meals
Sign upGives you tools to manage your diet, calculate meal nutrition, store meals and recipes, log your meals to your calander and more.
Adding foods to your Meal will automatically calculate the exact nutritional content - displayed as breakdown of carbs, fat, protein and fibre.
With over 8000 foods, you can quickly create and save Recipies, build meals from one or more recipies, add your custom foods and much more..
Built with blood-sugar sweat and tears
ExactMeals provides many rich features to enable you to quickly and accurately determine the nutrition in any meal. Build meals and save to your larder, build recipes and pin to your recipe boards, set limits to guide you when building your meals and much more.
Build a meal using foods, recipes and even other meals. All meals can be saved to your larder for later use.
Whether rustling up a quick snack or having last nights left overs for lunch, ExactMeals handles every scenario.
Create recipes by adding foods and add other recipes allowing you to build multi tiered recipies.
Recipies are pinned to one of youe Recipe Boards so they remain organised and easily accessible.
Use your Recipes are to when building meals.
When a recipe is used within a meal changing it will not alter the recipe on your Recipe Board
When building or viewing a meal or recipe, the carbs, calories, protein and fat are automatically calculated. This allows you to know precisely the exact nutriental breakdown of your meal or recipe.
On larger screens these features are accessible via a panel on the right of your screen.
Search our food database and add to a meal or recipe. We have over 8000 foods and our database is growing daily. Foods relevant to your country are prioritised in your search results
See a list of your recently used foods. Great for referencing foods you use daily
If a food does not already exist add your own food along with its nutritional details. You can make this private to yourself or public to everyone
Mark foods you commonly use as favourites. You can then see them in your Favourites list for quick access.
Units of Measurement and Nutrition limits
For every meal, recipe and food you add, you may set custom units of measurement.
For example, if you add your own bread
you could add a unit called slice and equate 1 slice to 40g.
When creating a meal you may set nutritional limits to help guide you. Alerted are diaplayed if you exceed a Limit
For example, Limit Carbs to 30g for breakfast or fat to 20g
Typical process to determine the amount of insulin required for any given meal
Using the ExactMeals application, calculate the exact number of carbs in your meal
Calculate the amount of insulin required for the carbs in your meal. Your ratio of carbs to insulin is unique to you and should be agreed upon with your Diabetes care team
Once you know the amount of insulin to cover the carbs in your meal, inject and proceed to enjoy your food..!
We have a set of video tutorials to help you make the most of ExactMeals
Watch the tutorials to get an overview of ExactMeals and how best to use it.
Here's a sample.
Basic and Premium Plans
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